Kamis, 14 Mei 2015

bunny cursor

Hello cuma menuruti kata Nafisa aku publish ini ya! silahkan dicopy
<style type="text/css">body, a:hover {cursor: url(http://cur.cursors-4u.net/nature/nat-11/nat1032.ani), url(http://cur.cursors-4u.net/nature/nat-11/nat1032.gif), progress;}</style><a href="http://www.cursors-4u.com/cursor/2012/01/29/brown-bobblehead-bunny.html" target="_blank" title="Brown Bobblehead Bunny"><img src="http://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursor.png" border="0" alt="Brown Bobblehead Bunny" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a>

Blog Baru!

Hello! Anyoung Haseo! Aku punya suatu pengumuman yang very important! # tahu kalau itu lebay, sekarang aku punya 2 blog, tapi emailnya berbeda, yang pertama itu anisirbahz.blogspot.com, dan yang kedua kawaii-indonesian.blogspot.com, disana baru aku isi satu entri, maklum super duper sibuk minta ampun! # tuh kan lebay lagi, because aku mau Ujian hari Senin tanggal 18 Mei 20015, serentak se-Indonesia, jadi harap maklumi aku yang sibuk ini!

See You Later. Pesan ini disampaikan oleh # mirip di TV aja, Bye!

Cute Cursor

 Kalau ada yang mau silahkan copy kodenya nanti akan ada cute cursor for you! Ini gratis.....

<div style="display:none; width: 160px; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; font-size: 10px;"><script src="http://www.cursor-switch.com/widgets/12861/2895230773.js" type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8"></script><a href="http://www.cursor-switch.com/" target="_blank">カーソル・スイッチ</a></div>

Ganti nama!

Hello! cielah pake bahasa Inggris segala, mulai sekarang coretan anak Promatanx berubah menjadi Cute Indonesian Kawaii.

Rabu, 13 Mei 2015

Quiz AKB0048

Coba tebak siapa mereka:

Pengumumannya akan diberitahukan pada hari Sabtu besok! dilarang keras mencontek atau bekerja sama #mirip ujian saja

Aikatsu! Music Video "Prism Spiral" ♪


This is a song from Aoi Kiriya

Aikatsu! Music Video "Glass Doll" ♪


This is a song from Yurika

Aikatsu! Music Video "Growing for A Dreams" ♪


This is a video from Aikatsu

Rabu, 18 Maret 2015

Stop Blog sebentar!

Para membaca! Maaf sebelumnya, akhir akhir ini aku off blogger sebentar, dikarenakan aku akan ada Try out, Ujian dan lain lain, maaf sebelumnya, ini agar aku bisa fokus pada US! 
Thanks agar perhatian kalian! see you later! ^_^ :) 

Rabu, 25 Februari 2015

Si Coklat yang Lezat....

Biskuit 250 gram
Cokelat Meses Warna Warnisecukupnya
Susu Kental Manis Cokelat5 bungkus

Cara membuat

Hancurkan biskuit

setelah jadi bubuk tambahkan susu kental manis coklat  sampe bisa diuleni.. Untuk 250 gr biskuit (bungkus besar) saya pake 5 sachet susu.. lalu dibulet-buletin

setelah dibulet-buletin di glundungin di meses warna warni.. Masukin kulkas sampe agak mengeras.. Silahkan menikmatiii


Senin, 23 Februari 2015

Disney's The Glow by Chilla Kiana (Full Music Video)

Snow White

Snow White
Once upon a time...
A queen had a wish...
She wished for a daughter
Skin white as snow
Lips red as blood
Hair black as ebony
Soon she had a baby
Her name was...
Snow White
Snow  White has a skin white as snow, lips red as blood and hair black as ebony, but her mom die.
Snow White grew very beautiful and one day a Prince saw Snow White. The Prince fell in love for Snow White.
A year later, her dad married again with a beautiful Queen but she very evil. She have a magic mirror. She always ask the mirror “Who is the most beautiful woman in the world?”
The mirror answer “You are the most beautiful woman in the world.”
The Queen feel happy. She felt she was the most beautiful woman in the world.
One day, the Queen ask to mirror “Who is the most beautiful woman in the world?”
The mirror answer “You are the most beautiful woman in the world, but Snow White is more beautiful than you.”
The Queen very angry after hear her magic mirror response. The queen was so jealous of Snow White’s beauty that she ordered her Huntsman to kill Snow White. But the Huntsman couldn’t bring himself to hurt Snow White. He told her to run far away so the Queen would never find her.
Snow White run deep the forest. She was very scared until in the front of cottage. She entered the cottage. She knocked the door but no one was home. She slowly stepped inside. The cottage was very mess. Snow White sweep the cottage until clean. Because Snow White tired after sweep the cottage, Snow White fall asleep in the bed.
Meanwhile, the Seven Dwarfs were heading home from working in a jewel mine. They were anxious to get home in their cottage in the forest. The Seven Dwarfs were suprised when they found Snow White inside their cottage! When Snow White awoke, she was charmed by the Seven Dwarfs: Dopey, Sneezy, Happy, Grumpy, Doc, Bashful, and Sleepy. The Dwarfs wanted to protect Snow White from the evil queen, so they invited Snow White to live with them.
Back at the castle, the Queen was very happy because Snow White has gone. She ask the magic mirror “Who is the most beautiful woman in the world?”
The mirror answer “You are the most beautiful woman in the world, but Snow White is more beautiful than you. She was in the cottage in the forest.”
The Queen was angry. She think how to kill Snow White. She have a idea! She made magic potion to change her appearance. She make poisoned apple too. Her plan was to trick Snow White.
After the Dwarfs had set off for work the next day, the Queen, disguised as an old peddler woman, offered Snow White a beautiful red apple. Snow White took one bite of  the apple and fell into a deep sleep. The Queen had posioned her!
When the Dwarfs came home, they chased the Queen the top of a stormy mountain. Suddenly, lightning hit the mountain, and the Queen fell, never to be seen again.
But Snow White was still in a deep sleep. The Seven Dwarfs kept watch over her day and night.
The Prince saw Snow White fast asleep with The Seven Dwarfs. The Prince kiss her to wake him. Finally, The Prince married Snow White. They live happily ever after.


Hi Girls and Boys!
Inilah Biodataku:
Nama : Anisah Irbah Zahidah (Nisa)
TTL : 20 Juni 2003
Umur : 12 tahun ( 3 bulan lagi)
Sekolah : SD N Proyonanggan 05
Hobby : masak (kadang enggak dihabisin), nyanyi (kadang agak cempreng), FB -nan, blogger -an, and nulis cerpen!
Cita cita : Dosen Bahasa Inggris, membuat animasi
Prestasi 3 tahun terakhir: Juara 3 MAPSI cabang Khitobah Putri Kecamatan
                                      Juara 2 Drumband tingkat Kabupaten
                                      Juara 3 MAPSI cabang  Khitobah Putri Kecamatan
                                      Juara 1 Pidato Bahasa Indonesia Kecamatan
                                      Juara 2 Pildacil tingkat Karesidenan Pekalongan
                                      Juara 1 Pildacil se Kabupaten Batang
                                      Juara 1 lomba baca puisi anak se Karesidenan Pekalongan
Semoga prestasiku meningkat!

Rabu, 18 Februari 2015

Selamat Datang ^_^

Selamat Datang di blog ku, semoga kalian menyukainya!
Welcome to My blog, I hope you like it!
Anisa ^_^